Hey Bird Lovers!

Bachelor Flocks 101
Bachelor Flocks 101 What is a Bachelor Flock? A bachelor flock is a group of roosters happily coexisting with one another in a dedicated living
Sexing Pigeons
Sexing Pigeons Sexing pigeons isn’t as easy as it seems. Although the only true way to tell the sex is by DNA testing, behavior can
Sexing Ducks
Sexing Ducks Using the Curl Feather Male ducks at around 16-18 weeks develop a drake curl tail feather. If you have older ducks, this is
Caring for Ducks
Caring for Ducks Ducks are amazing creatures, but here are some very basic things you should know about caring for them. Ducks are Messy! Ducks
Sexing Chickens
Sexing Chickens Want to know if your chicken is a boy or a girl? In this article, we will teach you how to sex your
The Real Cost of Getting a Bird
Costs to Consider Before Getting a Bird Getting a bird seems so simple. You can pick a chick up at a feed store for a