Our Mission
PigeonHelp.com’s mission is to rescue abandoned domestic pigeons and provide them with a forever home. We also strive to educate the public about proper bird care, the effects of abandonment on the environment, as well as how to spot and help abandoned domestic birds.

About Our Work
Although many people don't realize it, pigeons are some of the smartest animals on the planet. They have mathematical abilities on a par with primates, they can be taught to detect cancer in radiology images, they can recognize words, and they have demonstarted the ability to perform memory tasks that would be difficult or impossible for most human beings. Take a look at this great Psychology Today article for references to the scientific research.
About Our Rescue Birds
Each one of our rescues is as unique of a being as you or I, and we have quite the range of rescue cases. Currently, we house chickens, ducks, quails, one turkey, and pigeons at our bird sanctuary, with our specialty being pigeons. The vast majority of our rescues were abandonment cases. However, we do have rescues from a variety of different situations and backgrounds.