Sexing Ducks

Using the Curl Feather
Male ducks at around 16-18 weeks develop a drake curl tail feather. If you have older ducks, this is a dead giveaway that you have a male as females will not develop this. Note: Muscovies will not develop this.
Coloration of the Duck
Many species of male ducks develop different color plumage when they mature. Generally, males have darker feathers than the females although this all depends on the breed. The ducks with the arrows pointing to them are males. All the others are females.

Quack Sexing
Female ducks develop very loud, deep quacks. Drakes on the other hand have very low, raspy quacks. Usually you can start quack sexing by 10 weeks of age. This does not apply to Muscovy ducks.
Sexing Muscovies
Being the only non mallard derived duck breed, muscovies play by their own rules. Sexing muscovies is usually done through size. Male muscovies get to be significantly larger than the females. Most males will also develop caruncles first and more of it. Caruncles is the red knobby growths on a muscovies face.